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Terms and conditions for online trainings

By completing the registration form for a particular online workshop, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set out below and they will be incorporated into the contract between us.


This Agreement was last modified on October 15, 2019.

1. Registration

1.1 Registration is only valid through the registration form for the particular online workshop on our website. You will find the link to the registration form on the Facebook event or under the "Aktiviteter" section on our website. Email, text message or clicking attend on the Facebook event does not count as a registration. 


1.2 Registration is binding, which in the case of online workshops means no refund. So if you register and change your mind or are not able to attend because of change of plans, illness etc. you still have to pay for the workshop. 


1.3 The registration closes one hour before workshop start. This is because the trainer need all the participant's email adresses to send an invite. 


1.4 The online workshops are for people that has at least one training day of hakomi and also been to at least one training organized by Hakomi Norway.  

2. Fees, payment options and due date for payment


2.1 All  fees are in Norwegian Kroner (NOK). Workshops are exempt from VAT. 


2.2 To get the early bird participant fee you need to register before midnight on the due date for early bird registration.


2.3 Due date for payment is 14 days from the date you receive the invoice. 0-3 days after registration. 


2.4.1 If you register 6-0 days before the workshop the due date for payment is 7 days after the workshop. 


2.5 Payment options for Norwegian participants/participants with a Norwegian bank account; 


2.5.1 Du kan velge om du vil betale med faktura tilsendt på email  eller Vipps-faktura (e-faktura i Vipps). Husk å bruk kid-nummer når du betaler i nettbank. 


2.5.2 Dersom du vil ha Vipps- faktura krysser du av for dette under spørsmålet om dette i registreringsskjemaet. Dersom du ikke bruker Vipps, men liker Efaktura, kan du også krysse av for Vipps-faktura under dette spørsmålet. Da må du ha registrert i nettbanken din at du ønsker å motta E-fakturaer, og da får du fakturaen direkte inn i nettbanken din, og du trenger bare å godkjenne innen betalingsfristen. Les ellers mer om registrering av Vipps-faktura her:


2.5.3 Husk at man også nå kan betale vanlige fakturaer i Vipps gjennom å taste inn kid-nummer/kontonummer eller scanne QR-koden fra fakturaen tilsendt på mail. Ønsker du å gjøre dette krysser du ikke av for Vipps-faktura. Funksjonen du bruker i Vipps heter "Scann".


2.5.4 Online workshoper kan ikke betales med Vipps-nummer. Det er kun donasjoner vi tar imot gjennom Vipps-nummer. Dersom du betaler en workshop med Vipps-nummer må du tilbakebetale det gebyret som blir trukket fra (1,75% av hele beløpet). 

2.5.5 Det er kun deltakere med utenlandsk konto som kan betale med Paypal. 


2.6 To participants coming from abroad:


2.6.1 Participants from Europe (both EU and non-EU):

The payment options you can choose from is Transferwise or Paypal (+20 NOK). We do not recommend that you pay a workshop by regular bank transaction because then you also have to pay 50 NOK in transaction fee. 

2.6.2 Participants from outside Europe:

We will recommend you to use the app TransferWise. A lot cheaper and faster than a regular international transaction. PayPal is also an option (+20 NOK). 

2.6.3 If the issuer do a mistake in the transaction so that the amount that reach our bank account is below the invoice fee. The issuer will get a new invoice with the remaining fee. This type of mistake can happen if you forget to lock the amount at TransferWise or forget to add the transfer fee to the full amount on Transferwise. 

2.6.4 When using Transferwise. Please write the invoice number first in the sentence you write as a message. 


2.7 Due date for payment, added fees and confirmation


2.7.1 If we’re not received your payment on the due date (14 days after received invoice. 0-3 days after registration, or 7 days after workshop) you’ll will first get a reminder by text message/email to pay the fee approximately three days after the due date. 14 days after the due date you will get a new invoice with a 50 NOK delay fee with a 14 days due date. Then the invoice will be sent to debt collection and further costs will be added. 

2.7.2 For Norwegian participants that pay with Vipps- faktura: Fakturaen vil ligge inne på appen 14 dager etter betalingsfristen, deretter blir den borte. Påminnelsesfakturaen med 50 NOK ekstra i gebyr vil ikke bli sendt som Vipps-faktura, men som mail. Men du kan bruke qr-kode eller kid-nummer/kontonummer å betale gjennom Vipps likevel gjennom funksjonen "Skann".


2.7.3 You will get a confirmation by email when your payment is registered in our system. 

3. Cancelation policy



Cancelation is not an option when register for online trainings. If you you're not able to join, you still have to pay the participant fee. 

4. Transfer participant fee to another training


4.1 To transfer the participant fee is not an option on online trainings. 

5. Illness/injury during the trainings

5.1If you get ill/get during the training and you have to leave, there is no refund. 

6. If the training is cancelled


6.1 In the case of cancellation of the workshop (if the trainer gets sick etc.) the full amount paid will be refunded or we can transfer the fee to the next training(without administration fee). Hakomi Norway is not responsible for any other costs that the participant may have related to the workshop participation.


6.2 In case of Force majeure (war, fire, natural disaster etc.) Hakomi Norway is exempt from all responsibility.

7. The participants’ responsibility 


7.1 The online workshop arranged by Hakomi Norway are open to people in every walks of life over the age of 18 that has had at least one training day of Hakomi and been to at least one training organized by Hakomi Norway. A mini-workshop is less demanding than a regular training, but you need to have a sufficient ability to self care. Both during and after the training.

7.2 If you are late to the training or prevented from attending the training due to technical problems (wi-fi), travel delays or any other circumstances, we shall not be obliged to provide you with a refund or to wait to start the workshop until you arrive. If you haven't received an invitation through the email address you wrote in the registration form by at least 5 minutes before the training start, please contact us on the chat. 


7.3 Participants that act in an inappropriate manner at the training, will be required to leave the workshop and we shall not be liable to refund your participant fee. 


8. Confidentiality and personal information

8.1 We respect your privacy and it’s important that you respect the privacy of the other participants. This means that we have a confidentiality contract. The trainer will talk more about this in the beginning of each workshop.


8. 2 When you register for a training you agree to be enlisted in Hakomi Norway’s customer registry. The participant’s personal information will never be given to a third part.

9. Photography and filming

9.1 We may sometimes wish to photograph or film on the workshop for the purposes of promoting future workshops or otherwise. This will not be done without the participant’s consent. We will also contact the participants that initially agreed to be photographed/filmed before we publish the content, in case the participants have changed their mind. You may not photograph or video the workshop without our prior consent.

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